“If you want a child’s mind to grow, you must first plant a seed.”

Spring has sprung!
In Year 1 this week, we have made the most of the beautiful weather by taking our learning outside and enjoying some lessons in our wonderful outdoor classroom. The week’s seem to be flying by at the moment but the children have continued to amaze me with their curiosity and determination. It is a joy to see their enthusiastic faces as they come to school excited for another busy day of learning!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths we have continued to explore measurements but this week, we have been focusing on mass. We began by being human balance scales to make predictions about which item we thought was the heaviest, then we used real balance scales to check if our predictions were correct. Throughout the rest of the week we were busy comparing and measuring the mass of different objects before ordering them from heaviest to lightest.

In Science we have been excited to see how our plants have changed and all the wonderful sunshine this week has certainly helped them to grow! We’ve had some very interesting discussions about trees and have noticed that not all trees lose their leaves.

In RE we had a wonderful moment of reflection as we enjoyed an RE lesson outside. We continued to talk about the story of Easter by reading about Good Friday.



Curious Clara Clownfish: Martha you have been such a curious Clara Clownfish this week and it has been wonderful to see how much you have enjoyed our Maths and Science learning. You have asked some very inquisitive questions and shared some excellent explanations to problem-solve and to share your thoughts and understanding with others. Never stop asking questions! Well done Martha!

Creative Kiki Chameleon: Phoebe you have blown me away with your writing this week! You have been such a creative writer; you have had some fantastic ideas and I have really enjoyed reading your work. It’s been amazing to watch you write with such excitement and determination. Always follow your passions! Well done Phoebe!


  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team