Year 3 Remote Learning Week Beginning 7th March

This work will closely mirror the work we are doing in class this week:


This week we have been learning how to punctuate direct speech with inverted commas and continuing our shared reading of ‘the Greenling’ …

Read the text above and make sure you understand all of the vocabulary and the meaning of the text.

Have a look at the dialogue below and answer the questions around the side. Can you have a go at acting out what one of the characters says, thinking about how they would say it?


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should click the following link on the website then watch the videos in the following order:

Thursday: multiply by 4

Friday: ‘The 4 times table’

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:

On top of this please don’t forget to keep on top of your reading, quizzing, TT Rockstars and Nessy (if you are on this program)