Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in Friday 18th March

I’m really looking forward to seeing you all at the theatre next week. I know the children are extremely excited. A few children have been asked (offered) to practice other lines incase of illness - although reading a script is encouraged- if this happens I know the children asked want to know them and will learn them - SOOOO KEEEN!


We have 7 children at the top of the reading chart already!!! Welll done. Please read daily and enjoy - reading with a parents or independently it really doesn’t matter.


Please practice your tables on TT for 10 min everyday - create a time and a habit!! Of course those children who have reached the the magic 420 - you’ve done it!!! Let’s make this the whole class and then we can take TT off our homework!

MATHS - square paper and puzzle given out given . Glue into your homework book.

The children have learnt how to do the short method when multiplying.

If you are confident please teach your parents and crack on with the calculations in the images below

If you lack confidence - I have trimmed an on-line lesson I did last year so you can watch it before solving the problems in the images below.


We have been investigating shadows in science this week. I would like the children to do some research/artwork. I would like them research fighter planes from World War II. I would like them to investigate the shape of the planes and what shadow they would have formed on the ground. People where taught to notice the difference so they could identify the enemy:

Allies: Spitfire and Lancaster bomber

The Germans: Messerschmitt and Dornier

Can you draw their shadows and identify the major differences.

SPELLING - When the ee sound is spelt with ei










Thank you!