Year 3 Weekly blog 'The week that changed the world continues to change our lives.'

As we journey towards Holy Week, we have been reflecting in our assembly how we can be the hands of God here on Earth …

Another lovely week was had in Year 3. The children are so focused on their learning and are so eager to take their learning to the next stage, it is wonderful to see! There was a real buzz in the classroom on Wednesday when we shared how close the children are to reaching their targets in reading, they are on a mission now to read and quiz as much as they can to hit those targets when they come back after Easter! Some have made it already which is very exciting!

This week we have been looking closely at our accuracy when using speech punctuation. The children received feedback on their writing and then responded by writing some more dialogue. Wow, what reflective Isabella Insects they are. We have also now read the abridged version of the ‘Greenling’ and they have worked hard learning the story through story maps and have now innovated this to create their own story … I wonder what theirs will be called … Redling or Yellowling? They have changed the names of the characters, the colour of the child and lots of other information, ready to write up next week. They will be bringing these home with them over the weekend to practice, so be ready to listen and do the actions with them.

This week we have been in the hall working on our Easter Assembly and we have now finished it. Be prepared to be blown away with their performance. Every single one of them portrays their character beautifully, to show the confusion from the disciples, the love and the real sense of foreboding. We are so proud of them and we know you will be to when you see it.

On Thursday we walked to Our Lady’s church to celebrate mass. Every single child was absolutely beautifully behaved, they were still, respectful and so very prayerful. We could not have been more proud of our class! We walked back to school singing, chatting and smiling.. all the while with the sun shining! Not only did this visit allow us to spend time with God, it also helped us to surpass our target of 200km as we ‘Walked against hunger’ during Lent. Well done Year 3!

Looking Forward …

We can’t believe that we are coming to the final term in Year 3, it seems only yesterday when they walked through the doors on their first day of the juniors, but they have achieved so much. It was lovely talking to you all during the parent appointments, and I hope you are now clear on the progress your child has made and the areas they need a little more focus on. In partnership, we really can achieve great things. After Easter there will be a few slight changes to Year 3 that you need to be aware of, so please read the letter attached below.

Let’s Celebrate!

Roseanna…For reflecting carefully and responding to feedback! We have been so impressed with you and have noticed just how focused you are becoming, what a difference it is making to your learning! You are trying hard manage your distractions, we are so proud of you! Well done Roseanna.

Luke… For showing great effort towards your maths and reading this week! We were particularly impressed with you during your maths lessons. You were enthusiastic and concentrated carefully to complete each task. We absolutely love seeing you enjoy your reading, we are so proud to see you get closer to your target! Well done Luke!


  • Easter Assembly Tuesday 5th April 9:10am

  • If you haven’t already please sponsor your child as they Walk against hunger through paypal.


This is on Tuesday 5th April at 9:10am. Due to Covid restictions, we need to limit this to 2 people per family. Please fill in the online form below to let us know how many are coming - so we can prepare chairs.