Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Friday 8th April


Please know your assembly lines for Monday -


So many of us are so close to those half termly reading targets - please make this final push and get to the end of of your novel. Spend an afternoon snuggled up with you book this weekend. Well done to those children who have got their target (some have doubled it)!!!


TT Rockstars - Grace joined the 420 club this week that is mastery of all 420 multiplication and division facts!


We have explored symmetry in maths this week as well as long multiplication - please complete W1, W2 and, W3


Applying your English and maths skills. Match the climate data for the four locations in North America that you have been given in your white envelope. Glue one set on a page - so you will have 4 pages one for each location. You could locate them on a map and this will immediately indicate the type of climate they may experience - but read the dat and description carefully to know

Thank you for your resilience.