“Don’t judge each day by the harvest that you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”

It has been another fantastic week in Year 1 and our brains have been doing a lot of growing!

The children were so excited to share their books with grown up’s last week and they are still talking about it now! I hope you enjoyed seeing how much they have achieved already this year and I am sure you are as proud of them as we are. It is a pleasure to be a part of their learning journey and we still have lots of exciting learning to come!

I would also like to thank you all for your continued support at home. I have had so many wonderful pictures of exciting trips to Beatrix Potter world, visits with Peter Rabbit and lots of very creative balancing scales. The children have been arriving full of enthusiasm and it is wonderful to know that they are sharing their learning with you at home. To showcase all of this wonderful learning, we are going to create a book in school full of pictures of things we have been doing. This book will stay in our reading corner and we think it will be a wonderful way for the children to continue reflecting on how much they have done and achieved. We also have so many interesting facts to share about Debi Gliori, Beatrix Potter and Neil Armstrong, that I don’t think it will take long to fill all of the pages!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, Year 1 are really enjoying their measurements topic and we have had some fantastic discussions about length, height, mass. This week, we have been exploring volume and capacity and the children have been busy pouring, measuring and comparing the capacity of various containers.

In English we have begun writing The Tale of the Radish Robber! The children have loved our Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit topic in English and they have amazed me with their story telling voices and creative ideas. To help us re-tell the story, we thought of ways to act out each sentence so it was in our minds ready to write down. We certainly have some budding actors in Year 1!

In Science we looked at our plants and continued to discuss how they have changed from tiny seeds and we were even able to see a short video which showed us what happens underneath the soil as they grow! We also noticed that some of the seeds that we planted in our outdoor classroom at the beginning of the year are now starting to grow; we cant wait to see how colourful our outdoor classroom will be!



Determined Sadie Spider: Well done Rosa!
Rosa you are so determined and you inspire us all with your fantastic attitude towards learning. You have been especially amazing in Read Write Inc and have learnt so many new sounds. I am so proud of how you always try your best in everything you do!
Keep shining!

Creative Kiki Chameleon: Well done Scarlett!
Scarlett, you have been so focused during all of our lessons this week and you have really thought about how you can grow your brain. You have been so determined to use your cursive handwriting in all of your work and it has been wonderful to see how proud you are as you achieve your goal.
Keep being ambitious!


  • Own clothes Friday 8th April - Over the half term all of the children throughout school have been working hard to collect learning points for their house teams. Blue Harcourt and Red Plessington have collected the most and as a reward for their efforts, they can wear own clothes of their house colour.

  • School finishes at 14:00 on Friday 8th April

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team