Year 3 Home Learning 1.04.22


This week our high frequency spellings are:

  1. are

  2. said

  3. like

  4. began

  5. water

  6. find

  7. tree

This weeks key spellings:

8. believe

9. caught

10. calendar


This week we have innovated our story maps ready to write on Monday. Please could you practice and rehearse your story map so that you are very familiar with it by Monday. You may even want to add some adjectives or improve verbs if you didn’t get chance to in class. Please make sure you stick to the story though as this is crucial to our writing stage. Below you will find the original story that has not been innovated, in case you need a help in hand to remember…


Please complete the following areas over the next few weeks. We will be checking that everyone has completed them after the Easter holidays …