This week...

Another week of gardening and understanding how plants and flowers grow. Sing along at home, click here

We have even planted grass seeds in one of our Tuff trays so that we can grow our own lawn for the outside small world area! The problem is it isn’t growing fast enough! Patience is definitely a virtue.

Our cress seeds have grown our carrot tops are starting to sprout and the beans we put in a jam jar with cotton wool have started to sprout too. It’s all very exciting!

The children all painted their own flower this week named the parts of the flower as they painted. Take a looks at our display.

Here are our Wow words! We are always looking for new words







Key Person Blog

This week we have been spending a lot of time in Nursery garden. The children have really enjoyed exploring the garden looking for signs of new growth. We have been given a new potting shed so we decided to store our watering cans, trowels and plant pots in there (we always tidy up when we have finished!).

We have now got a designated digging area in our garden to look for worms and to plant the pips and seeds we find in our fruit. Who know in time we may have an orchard!

The children decorated the shed by painting spring flowers on it (remembering to include the stem, leaves, roots, petals and seeds of course!)

Now that we have planted the seeds, we are also remembering to water them too. We definitely need lots of sunshine (we hope it isn’t too far away!)

We have had a very active week with lots of racing, practising for sports day and lots of active fun on the soft play.

We have continued to learn about lifecycles of frogs and butterflies, and have learnt some new yoga moves, the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly.

The number 7 has been our focus this week and we have had fun watching the luckiest rainbow coloured Numberblock in the world. Click here to watch the seven song. Can the children show you how to make 7 by using their fingers? We have also been drawing flowers with 7 petals and went to the school field to pick 7 daisies!

Click here to watch the ‘Meet Number Seven’ Numberblock.

The children have been exploring words that begin with the ‘f’ sound. We looked in our sound bag and found five frogs! Click here to watch Geraldine Giraffe

The children were amazed to discover that a bean stalk had started to grow when they arrived at nursery and have been using lots of words to describe the giant– gigantic, gargantuan, ginormous, massive. We wonder if there are any more we haven't thought of? Fee, fi, fo, fum, here he comes! There have been lots of giggles as the children acted out the story, next week we are going to have a go at writing our own version of Jack and the Beanstalk– watch this space!

Click here to watch Jack and the Beanstalk

We have very musical children here at nursery and this week they performed a concert in the garden, with lots of bands and songs.

Have a lovely weekend, don’t forget to plant your sunflower seeds and bean!

Barbara, Michelle, Justine, Frances and Colette.


This week we have continued thinking about how we can be kind like Jesus. The children thought very hard and made some excellent suggestions of how we can be more like Jesus, such as being kind, saying sorry and thank you, asking our friends if they want to play and being helpful at home.

We have also been learning about the Bible and listened to a story from the first book of the Bible, Genesis about how God created the world and everything in it. The children were amazed to discover that God did all this in just six days!

A fabulous week at nursery! I have just a few gentle reminders. As I wrote on the Newsletter we are wanting to start taking small groups of children to the beach to explore but I do need written consent from you. Just drop and email to

Also, Sports Day is looming and we need to start designing our t-shirts. If you haven’t already done so could you please send in a. s. a. p a plain (named) white t shirt. We are hoping to start them next week.

Keep checking Purple Mash for activities for home and also for learning sheets sent home in your child’s bag.

Finally, we are hopeful that the good weather will continue over the bank holiday weekend so fire up the BBQ and have a relax!

See you all on Tuesday
