Year 3 Weekly Blog 29.4.22, "Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."

The children have been full of enthusiasm this week as we continued our learning about the Iron man. We have focused on the vocabulary in the first chapter. The book really is filled with great description, we cannot wait to include it in our writing! In PE we have been using this description to create a short routine, dancing as though we are the Iron Man. The children have needed to develop their co-operation skills, ensuring their dances have included one movement from each member in their group. It has been great to see these skills develop; seeing the pride on everybody’s face when their movements have been included into the routine has been wonderful! Keep listening to each other Year 3, we want everybody to feel valued, you all have so many fantastic ideas!

We have continued to be wowed by the children's during maths this week. They have become SO confident in their bonds to 10, and to 100! We have been using this knowledge to help us to bridge over the hundreds. This week we have been deepening this knowledge even further by learning how to create our own number lines (to scale may I add) to show our reasoning when answering these questions. Your confidence is blowing us away! Well done Year 3!

Let’s celebrate with this week’s certificates:

This week we have two Roger robins!

Niamh: You make us so proud Niamh! You are such a kind, calm and caring learning partner, always taking on board your partner or groups ideas. I am sure we can say on behalf of anyone who has worked with you, thank you! Thank you for listening, thank you caring and thank you for respecting! Seeing and hearing your confidence continues to fill us with delight! We love hearing you share your thoughts and opinions. A huge well done!

Rose: You are such a caring and supportive member of our class and always make a wonderful learning partner. You respect everybody and understand that not only can you help somebody, but also learn from them too. We love hearing your kind words and celebrating those around you. Thank you Rose! You have also shown great determination towards you learning, not giving up, particularly in Maths. You are showing such wonderful resilience, we are so proud of you!

Reminders: Important food tech information!

  • Food Tech: Here are the new dates and new recipes for Food tech this half term. Please check which group your child is in and the date that you will need to bring the listed items. It is so important that they arrived to school on their day with all of the ingredients listed so that they are able complete their recipe. Thank you!