Year 2 Weekly Blog - "Individually we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean"

This week really does seem to have flown by in the blink of an eye! The children continue to make me proud with their focus and how much progress they continue to make every day - I’m so excited to see what will be achieved by the end of the year!

The children were introduced to our new focus story ‘Aladdin’ this week. I don’t think I’ve ever heard so many cheers after introducing something - the class was filled with great excitement and enthusiasm! We’ve started by reading the beginnings of two different versions of the story and the children were brilliant at picking out tricky vocabulary. From scoundrel and wretch, to idle and rogue, we’ve so far discovered that Aladdin isn’t quite the role model we’d like to look up to. I wonder if this will change as we continue reading through the story?

In maths we’ve now moved on to time. The class are now so confident at telling the time to the hour and half past and are beginning to develop those quarter-hour skills. I now have a class of clock watchers who are so keen to tell me the time throughout the day - we’re never going to be late to break again!

Miss Brisco came into class to finish off History learning about The Mexico Disaster and Grace Darling this week. Miss Brisco has told me she couldn’t believe how much knowledge the children had remembered from before the holidays. They’re definitely a class who LOVE facts, dates and information.

We’ve continued exploring the Holy Spirit during RE lessons and the promise that Jesus made when he appeared after the resurrection. As a class we’ve been thinking carefully about how the Holy Spirit guides us in our every day lives and what we can do to show the Holy Spirit in our actions, our thoughts and our words.

It’s been another jam-packed week of learning. I hope you enjoy looking through the photographs below of this week’s child led worship.

Let’s Celebrate

What a great week you have had Daisy!  You have been so focused on your learning and have completed so much amazing work!  You have managed your distractions brilliantly this week and have not allowed your feelings to take over and stop you from completing your work.  You have shown such a positive attitude everyday and have been a pleasure to teach.  Keep this up Daisy!

Wow Jacob – what a superb week you have had!  You are continually growing as a reflective learner and you are now listening really carefully to and acting upon the feedback given to you.  You should feel so proud of your handwriting and presentation – you are trying so hard to take pride in your work and it is certainly paying off.  It has also been great to see you taking your time whilst reading your books and this is beginning to show in your quizzes.  Well done!


Please check last week’s blog regarding information for our upcoming trip to Bring Yer Wellies. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. If your child is not having a school-packed lunch, please can you notify me via email before Thursday, as on Thursday I will be taking the children’s sandwich order of tuna, ham or cheese to give to the kitchen.

Food technology - I have attached below the new dates for food technology this term. Unfortunately, this change has also meant a change in PE days for some children. To save any confusion, please could all children wear their PE kits to school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the final 3 weeks of this term. Before the holidays I will let you know which group your child is in for the final half term. Thank you.

You may have also noticed that there is also another trip payment on Parent Pay. This is for a trip to Stanley Park. So that we aren’t getting confused, I will not post any information regarding this trip until we have been to Bring Yer Wellies. You are, however, more than welcome to make the payment via Parent Pay if you wish.

Enjoy the long weekend with your families. Fingers crossed for some sunshine.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.