Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 29th April 2022

This week’s home learning is online.


Please read for at least 20 minutes each day.


Complete the 2DO on Purple Mash relating to word classes. Can you sort the words into the correct section?


Complete the 2DO on Purple Mash. This is a quiz revisiting our fraction learning.

TT Rockstars
Accessing TT Rockstars for as little as five minutes a day can significantly improve recall and retention of times table facts.


Here are this week’s spellings:

Adding the suffix -ful - joyful thankful cheerful colourful thoughtful wonderful

Set 24 - parents says thought wear laugh whole

Don’t forget to check the ‘how to help your child’ section for fun and creative ways to learn your spellings.


English - II.2 II.3

Maths - R.7

If you ever have any questions regarding home learning, please do not hesitate to ask.
Miss Woodend