Year 2 Weekly Blog - "Humility is all about being truthful and honest"

What a great start the children have made to the summer term! They definitely returned to school looking refreshed on Tuesday and soon got stuck into their learning. We also welcomed a new friend called Jiana to our class this week. Welcome Jiana - it feels like you’ve always been here!

In Maths we have continued our fractions learning and are now able to recognise and find a half, quarter and a third confidently. The children now know that if the numerator of a fraction is 1, then it is called a unit fraction. They are very much looking forward to learning how to solve non-unit fractions next week! I always love seeing their enthusiasm when they know they are going to learn new skills!

In English, not only have we been completing lots of reading and reading comprehensions, but we have also completed writing too! After marking all of the children’s chapters for ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ over the holidays, they have been busy responding to feedback and working on their targets. We then watched a short film clip about a bird called Piper, who was afraid of the sea. This idea is going to form the plan for the children’s independent writing over the next week before we then move onto our new English focus story.

In RE we have continued the Easter story by learning about what happened when Jesus rose from the dead. This learning started a lovely conversation about the Holy Spirit which I am very much looking forward to delving deeper into over the coming weeks.

We also enjoyed another wonderful child-led prayer and liturgy on Thursday. This liturgy was all about compassion and how compassion could be seen in the story of the 10 lepers. I always love these worship sessions together; the children all pray with such reverence and listen so carefully to one another.

Let’s Celebrate

Hugo, you have been such a Focused Cooper Crab this week!  You have played such an active role within all our lessons and have shared so many wonderful ideas with the class.  You have been a great role model for the rest of the class; being ready when it is time to listen and following instructions straight away.  Great work Hugo – keep it up!

What an AMAZING start you have had to the new term Charlotte.  You have come into school with a beaming smile every morning and that enthusiasm has continued throughout each day.  You have thrown yourself into your learning and have listened really carefully to feedback when you have made those important mistakes.  Keep up this superb positive attitude Charlotte – it has been a delight to see!


Year 2 trip to ‘Bring Yer Wellies’ - On Thursday 12th May, Year 2 will be going on a trip to Bring Yer Wellies in Preston. Here we will be planting different seeds and learning all about plant growth. The cost of the trip is £16, to be made via ParentPay if you haven’t already done so. The trip will take place within the normal school hours, so the children can come to school at their normal time of 8:40am or 8:50am and picked up at 3:10pm or 3:20pm. Please can children wear their school tracksuit so that they are comfortable throughout the day. It’s difficult to say what the weather will be like and it can very quickly change, so please can all children wear a waterproof coat and their wellies. If the sun is shining, sun hats can be worn and the children can bring a labelled suncream which the teachers will keep hold of. The children will not need to bring their school bags on this day. As all Year 2 children receive a free school meal, I will assume that everyone is having a school packed lunch unless I hear otherwise via Email at I will be giving the children a choice of a tuna, ham or cheese sandwich nearer the time. All children must also have a filled up water bottle with them. Please do ask if you have any further questions.

Food Technology with Mrs Curtis - Unfortunately there will be no food technology for Group 2 on Tuesday. I will inform you of new dates when Mrs Curtis is back at school. I have attached the information below as a reminder of PE groups. Group 1 has indoor PE on a Monday and Group 2 on a Tuesday. All of the children have outdoor PE on Wednesdays. The groups will remain the same for Food Tech but the dates will change. As previously mentioned, I will inform you of these dates as soon as I know.

Have a wonderful weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team