Reception Blog 29.4.22

I must apologize for the belated blog, I was without a laptop charger and was unable to upload. It was a lovely week in Reception, we welcomed Mrs Maano and enjoyed getting to know her. Mrs Maano was really impressed with the children and can’t wait to work with them throughout this final summer term.

We hope you enjoy watching our Very Busy Spider video, we wrote our own story map as a class and have spent the week learning the story, next we plan to innovate the story.

Our Maths brains have been working hard looking at patterns created by adding 1 ,2 ,3, 4 or 5 more to 5. We used coloured square pieces of paper to represent the number blocks, it was really interesting to find one more and one less than a number.

In RE, we shared the story of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalen when he rose from the dead. We sequenced the story and showed some brilliant understanding when retelling and writing the story. Here are a few examples below.

Let’s Celebrate

Wren is a Reflective Lizzy Ladybird - For taking such care and time when writing, it has been wonderful to see you reflecting on what you have written and fixing your mistakes with your purple pencil. We are so pleased you have been brave, embraced your mistakes and learnt from them for next time. Well done Wren!

Marla is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For having a positive outlook on every day and coming into school with a big smile, ready to grow your brain. We have been really impressed by your enthusiasm for writing super sentence this week. Well done Marla!

Important notices

OUR BROCKHOLES TRIP IS NEXT THURSDAY 12TH MAY - I will repost the original blog on Friday to remind you of the important information.

Have a lovely week!

The Reception Team