Year 3 Home Learning 22.04.2022


  1. superstar

  2. superhero

  3. superhuman

  4. supermarket

  5. difficult

  6. enough

  7. question

  8. important

  9. certain

  10. probably


This week we have been introduced to the main character in our novel, the Iron man. I would like you to think about what questions you would like to ask the Iron Man. Write these questions in your homework book. Remember to use the correct punctuation when writing questions. Towards the end of next week we will hot seat the Iron man, asking him some of these questions.

Examples to get you started:

How he might be feeling…. Why is he on a cliff… What could he be searching for…


Please complete:
B1 Comparing numbers up to 100

B.3Put numbers up to 100 in order

B.5 Greatest and least - word problems - up to 100