“Play energizes us and enlivens us. It eases our burdens. It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities.” ~ Stuart Brown, MD

The children have been full of energy as they have spent their final week together before the Easter break. Once again, the weather has been a mixed bag, but it never dampens the childrens spirits! Games of Peppa Pig and victorian mysteries, shopkeepers, circus performers , have all found their way onto the playground! Alongside this, the childrens favourites of Tig, Stuck in the Nud, football and netball. The playground has been full of laughter, smiles and friendship.


 Let’s Celebrate!

Kitchen Team, Class Manners of the Week: Year 4

First Sitting

Class of the Week: Year 5

Role Model of the Week: Pippa, Y3 and Abi, Y5

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Roseanna, Y3 and Evie, Y5.


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Year 1

Role Model of the Week:  Pheobe, Y1 and Betsy, Y4

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Rosa, Y1 and Leon, Y4


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week:  Reception

Role Model of the Week: Patrick, Reception. Lorenzo, Y2 and Emmanuel, Y6

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Blythe, Reception. Sean, Y2 and Jessica, Y6



Well done and thank you children for making lunchtimes such a lovely, fun filled time of the day!

Table of the Half Term: Year 3

Congratulations and thank you children for being so wonderful.

Have a wonderful Easter,

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team