Year 2 Weekly Blog - "He is not here; He has risen just as he said"

Well… what a week! I was so proud of the children, as I’m sure you were too, when they performed their Easter assembly on Monday morning. The class had barely seen a class assembly, let alone performed in one, yet they all spoke with such confidence and expression! What a team they are! We were then lucky enough to watch Year 3’s depiction of The Last Supper on Tuesday morning which we all really enjoyed. Upon returning to class, the children had so many questions and we had a real deep discussion about the thoughts and feelings of Jesus as the Easter story unfolded. Although we were unable to watch the rest of the Easter assemblies performed by Years 4, 5, and 6, we have had some wonderful class worships that have helped us reflect upon the turmoil of Jesus at the Crucifixion then the pure joy and happiness as He resurrected.

I have been absolutely blown away by the children’s writing in English this week. Each child has finished writing their own version of ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’, and my goodness, how amazing they are! The children have not only written some incredibly creative chapters but have also tried really hard with their presentation and spelling. Even some of the children couldn’t believe the work they had produced! It’s made me so excited to see what they will achieve in their final term in Year 2l

In Maths, the children are now able to recognise and find a third. This is something that we will continue to develop after the Easter holidays.

Thank you to those who have sponsored their child for CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger. We’ve been trying our best to get those final steps in this week and have now walked over 40 laps of the school field!

Thank you all so much for your continued support this term. I know that we’ve had little bits of illness here and there, but you’ve always kept in touch and we’ve worked to resolve any problems together.

I hope that you have a wonderful Easter with your families. I haven’t set any home learning for over the holidays; the children’s tired faces today told me that they need a rest and to recharge those batteries! Please do however, keep up that reading; it’s such a gift!

Let’s Celebrate

This week I HAD to give the certificate to the whole class! The way they worked together as a team to help each other during our class assembly was amazing to see and I simply couldn’t be prouder. I know that the children were feeling nervous, but we couldn’t tell! They spoke, sang and acted with confidence and enthusiasm. Well done Year 2 - you were FANTASTIC!


Year 2 trip to ‘Bring Yer Wellies’ - On Thursday 12th May, Year 2 will be going on a trip to Bring Yer Wellies in Preston. Here we will be planting different seeds and learning all about plant growth. The cost of the trip is £16, to be made via ParentPay. More information regarding the trip will be given after the Easter holidays.

Food Technology with Mrs Curtis - Your child has brought home a list of groups and ingredients for Food Technology lessons taking place after the Easter Holidays. I have attached this document below if needed.

PE Days - The children are also going to be in the above groups for Indoor PE too. Group 1 will have Indoor PE on a Monday and Group 2 will have Indoor PE on a Tuesday. Please don’t worry if your child has Food Technology and PE on the same day; these are taking place during different sessions throughout the day.

If you have any questions regarding the information above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

School opens after the Easter Holidays at the normal times of 8:40am and 8:50am on Tuesday 19th April.

Have a happy and Holy Easter!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team