"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son" John 3:16

We have been back in full force this week and it has been lovely to share our final week of the Spring term together. It is incredible how time has flown this year, I can’t quite believe we have only twelve weeks left in Reception.

This week has been an extra special one in school. Each day a class has shared with us a part of the Easter story and helped us to walk with Jesus on His journey. We have been lucky enough to have a group of children watching each assembly, the children have been on a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the week as each class shared the joy and sorrow Jesus faced.

We have been reflecting on each part of the journey everyday and the knowledge and understanding the children have shown is incredible, especially the vocabulary they are using! I have added a few examples below.

We have ended our week with a egg and chick hunt, it was eggcellent fun!

We were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Baker today. We’re going to miss her greatly but we wish her lots of luck in her new adventure in the South. We are so grateful for all you have done.

Let’s Celebrate

We have decided to give the certificate to the whole of Reception this week because they have shown so many of the different characteristics throughout this term. We are very proud of you Reception and can’t wait to see how you will continue to grow in your final term when we return to school.

Important notices

READ, READ, READ - Please keep reading, anything and everything…road signs, cereal packets, the possibilities are endless! We have added an extra book to the reading folders for the holidays.

Back to school - We look forward to welcoming the children back on Tuesday 19th April at the usual times of 8:40/8:50am.

BROCKHOLES TRIP NEW DATE…THURSDAY 12TH MAY - I will repost the blog nearer the time to remind you of the important information.

Have a wonderful Easter with your families and a good rest!

The Reception Team