"Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller

We have continued to sink our teeth into our learning this week and have really been developing our cooperative skills. Many activities have included aspect of working with others. Although this has sometimes been challenging, it has also been so rewarding and the children are learning lots about themselves as learners!

In maths we have continued our bridging over the hundreds, this time with single digit numbers. Once again the children have shown wonderful focus and confidence and I am so pleased to say that many of us are now so confident to bridge both over and back from 100.

We have finished chapter 2 of the Iron Man in English. On Thursday we had a go at Rainbow writing. The children worked in house teams to see how much they could remember about the main characters and settings. Each house took it in turns to write on fact about a character/setting, making sure that they had read what had been written before them. The winning team was the house that wrote the most facts about the story so far. It was wonderful to see each house work together, building those all important cooperative skills, whilst also showing how much they had remembered about the text.

In PE this week we had a little practise of some of this years Sports day events, and I have a feeling that this year it could be a very close result! It was lovely to hear the children cheering one another.. roll on Wednesday the 15th when we are able to celebrate our children’s love of sports!

Let’s Celebrate…

Cora for being a cooperative learner! You are such a caring and thoughtful member of the class! You always offer to help when there is a job that needs doing or friend that needs help… this makes our classroom such a brighter place. Thank you Cora! We have also been impressed with your enthusiasm! You are always excited for the next challenge and have shown such eagerness towards your reading! Well done Cora.

Faye for being a focused and cooperative learner! A huge well done this week Faye! You have been so focused during our learning and have shared some good ideas during our discussions. Not only have you been very focused, you have also shown great determination and super teamwork skills during our PE and really encouraged those around you! Helping and supporting those around you is such a wonderful quality Faye and one that I know your friends, peers and teachers love about you!


  • Just a little reminder that on June 8th we are celebrating in style with a Red White and Blue Day. At lunch time we will enjoy a whole school picnic outside on the field (let’s pray for a sunny day!). Jacqui, our school cook, has ordered special lunchboxes which will be filled with a picnic feast. If your child already has school lunches, you need to do nothing. However, if your child normally brings their own packed lunch, you can order a special picnic box by pressing here and completing a form. This must be paid for in advance on ParentPay at a cost of £2.35. Forms need to be completed by 8pm on Friday 13th May.

  • Sports day: Our sports day is on Wednesday 15th June at 1:30 and should last for 1 hour. Keep your eye on the coming blogs for more information.