Year 5 home Learning to be handed in on Friday 20th May


Please continue to read everyday. What is your reading target - can you get there before the end of half term?

Really go for it enjoy the journey alongside those amazing characters.


For all those children who have truly mastered their timetables the skill of short division has come easier than we predicted! After exploring long division through grouping rather than partitioning we have moved onto the short method and most children have got it! Please complete IXL H13 and H15.

English -retrieval

Please complete IXL Year 5 English MM2 (subordinating conjunctions completed back in Year 3and 4). Alongside this unit please complete EE2 Common nouns and Proper nouns.

Science - dissolving

The children have been asked to complete three simple dissolving investigations at home. It would be great if the children can upload images to show their work. The children also need to record their observations. SEE PURPLE MASH FOR HELP