"We are not called to judge we are called to witness"

It has, at times, been an emotional week. We have reached the middle of our class novel and it has been hard to read. We bear witness to the racism our character Leonard faces. It has upset us but helped us to more deeply empathize with others who find themselves faced with prejudice. Lovely conversations have been had - when you hear children respond like this you see that the future is full of hope. Alongside this witness we have explored the mystery of Jesus the Risen Christ and how his new state of being allows him to be with us at anytime or place.

In maths we have continued division and perimeter, as Mrs Nel and I have split the teaching and in science we have planned different experiments to discover how we can make a material dissolve quicker- we’ll let you know how we get on! In PE we explore jumping in athletics- accurately measuring. Finally, the children have completed some excellent geography research and creatively placed it on posters - firstly drafting their design and then using the computers for a finished product! All in all a very very busy 4 days.


Our Growth Mindset Certificates this week went to: Harriet and Amber!!

A big shout out too for all the children who got their 420 on TT Rockstars- James, Christian, Harriet, Julia and Stephanie- JUST BRILLIANT!

Congratulations to Mason - he has been chosen to join the Blackpool Shakespeare Hub to represent our school and region. He will be performing in Stratford this coming next half term!!!


PE DAYS NEXT WEEK - Due to Mrs Hotchkiss’ different commitments we were unable to complete our gym sessions in the hall. Next week I have secured the Hall for Monday afternoon and Tuesday afternoon. I have then planned to complete the outdoor PE for Thursday. I’m sooooo sorry for all the changes - but school can at times be a complicated places. However, the other staff have helped us out - thank you.

PE KITS Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

FOOD TECH - I’m so sorry to inform you that Food Tech with Mrs Curtis will now not now take place. We hoe Mrs Curtis gets well soon! Mrs Nel and I are thinking of creative ways to complete the DT curriculum as I type!

Have a lovely weekend - form the whole Year 5 team