Reception Blog 5.5.22 - ‘Peace begins with a smile.’ Mother Teresa

It has been a busy four day week in Reception, jam packed with learning, growing and fun. Thank you for all your congratulations for my wedding last weekend, the children have been full of questions and loved looking at a few pictures, we’ve even had a few weddings in the outdoor area this week! Talking of the outdoors we were amazed to find our own spiderlings on our snack table! It was an amazing sight, some keen nature detectives went straight to grab the magnifying glasses to take a closer look. They must have heard all our brilliant spider storytelling.

In Maths this week we have had great fun exploring and using skills we have previously learnt to make numbers using two parts. We looked in particular at the patterns of numbers 6,7,8,9,10 and how they were 5 and 1,2,3,4 or 5 more.

Our storytelling has been really fun this week. We worked together to innovate our Very Busy Spider stories, we had some brilliant ideas, we are hoping to create a video of these next week when we have learnt them off by heart.

In RE this week we have been focusing on the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples after his resurrection. We thought about the special gift of joy and peace that Jesus gave to his disciples. We had a lovely afternoon thinking about things that make us calm and bring us peace. We offered each other a sign of peace in the form of a big hug!

Let’s Celebrate

Barnaby is a Curious Clara Clownfish - For asking interesting questions about whilst in our outdoor environment, especially about the spiderlings. We have been impressed by your curiosity towards nature and the observations you have made. Well done Barnaby!

Elsie is a Focused Cooper Crab - For being focused and trying hard to concentrate with all you do in the classroom. We are so impressed with your focus on the carpet during number time, your number brain is growing so much! Well done Elsie!

Important notices

OUR TRIP TO BROCKHOLES IS THURSDAY 12TH MAY - Please click the button below for everything you need to know.

Have a great weekend,

The Reception Team