Year 6 Weekly Blog 12.5.23 - "Life is like a rollercoaster. It has its ups and downs, but it's your choice whether to scream or enjoy the ride."

Wow what a rollercoaster, jam-packed week Year 6 have had this week. I hardly know where to start…

Firstly, to say we are so incredibly proud of each and every one of them this week. There was an array of emotions on Tuesday, as they started their SAT’s journey, however each child has taken each day well and truly in their stride, showing so much bravery, resilience and such positive mindsets. They have been such an inspiration. In the hall, they were incredibly focused and you could see how they put all of their learning that they have acquired over the years in to every question, approaching each paper, with a careful yet thorough approach. We really couldn’t have asked any more of them, they have done their best and that is all that we hoped for. Thank you for all of your support this week, all of those early nights and keeping them calm at home really did all pay off, so well done!

Once their last paper was completed, it was time for our annual traditional treat of choc-ices/ ice-lollies and finding out the end of year play which was the ‘golden ticket’ we needed after a hard week. The children are so excited to start rehearsals for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory after half term! Now we are looking forward to rehearsing for auditions and the auditions themselves, next Monday. This is their time to take risks, push their inhibitions aside and allow themselves to shine in another way. I always feel like putting yourself outside your own comfort zone, is the only way we truly reach our or even realise our true potential.

Onwards and Upwards…

Next week we will also be writing our letters of applications to apply for our jobs around school, as well as the interview process on Thursday, where myself and Mrs Gregan will inerview each of them and asking why THEY would be most suitable for the job. We are preparing them early! We also have an art workshop Tuesday morning- what a fun week!

And of course there is their forthcoming ‘holiday’ the week after. The teachers also are all getting ready and looking forward to spending the week with Year 6, it is the perfect way to end this half term- making memories, with the class and teachers, they have gone through school with, as well as pushing themselves to do things they have never done before. These children are capable of great things and I know we are going to have a great week away with them.

I have listed some essential information below which you will need to think about and know. Again, if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

  • On Monday 22nd May, the children need to arrive at school (main entrance) at 9am. Please bring all bags into the hall. There will be members of staff there to help and direct you. The children will need one case/bag with their main clothes in for the week and a back pack for the coach with any smaller items in.

  • If your child needs any medication for the week, this needs to be in a separate bag - clearly labelled - and given to the member of staff who will be at the medicine table. The form below needs to be completed which will indicate the medication, when it needs administering and how much needs to be administered. Please bring this with you on the day with the medicine (not before).

  • Talent Show - Next week, I will be asking the children what their talent show act is and if they have any music etc. Please can you ensure that the act your child is doing is totally appropriate. I will be checking this next week. Anything that the children need for the talent show needs to be brought in on the morning of departure. If it fits in your child’s case - brilliant! Please ensure that they have any music that they need too.

  • Final balance - please ensure that the final balance has been paid please- any difficulties please speak to Miss Hodges.

On the Friday, our coach will be picking us up from Water Parks at 1:30pm, so we aim to arrive back approximately 3:30pm. However, this is traffic dependent, so therefore, we will be in contact with school to give a more accurate time and then you will receive a text message, so you know when to come and collect them.

I know you have a kit list list for Water Parks which I am sure you have all studied, but just a couple of reminders of the vital items:

  • no valuable or electrical items please (apart from a hairdryer if necessary)

  • make sure all clothing items are labelled with names

  • packed lunch box and refillable bottle

  • indoor and outdoor shoes

  • a book or a notebook to write in for quiet time. Maybe a script to start to learn lines.

  • talent show- if music is required, then please send the song either as a mp3 file, USB stick or a CD as their is not a great Wi-Fi connection at all.

  • bags will be carried by the children and have to be lifted up stairs by themselves up to their rooms, so please make sure you pack lightly.

Leading Learners

Well done to the WHOLE of Year 6!

How could we choose just two children this week? They have ALL made us so proud of them. They have done their BEST and now they can relax knowing this! The SAT’s don’t measure or see how hard they have been working in class, it doesn’t see how far they have come in their learning and progress- but we see this and celebrate each and every one of you!

Attentive and Discerning Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are attentive to the big and small things, and to the response of others. We will also be spotting children who are discerning, who listen to what God’s calls us to be. This week we thank John Joseph for being attentive and discerning.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Abi James Jack Isabella

Have a lovely weekend, re-charging those batteries and homework/ revision free!!

The Year 6 team