Water Parks Day 2

What an amazing day we have all had! After a surprisingly calm and restful night’s sleep, the children were up and ready to go this morning. We have been so proud of how all the children have eased in to their new routines and embraced every opportunity they have been given. There has been incredible team work, acts of bravery and a steely determination to try new activities.

Mrs Mather’s group today, enjoyed a lovely canoe across the lake to do a spot of climbing up a rock face. Then this afternoon, they had a lovely swim in the lake!

Mrs Harrison’s group had a wonderful walk up the ghyll this morning and then in the afternoon faced their fears on the ‘leap of faith’ challenge and balancing on top of ladders.

Mrs Hotchkiss and Mr Nay’s group this morning went for a relaxing sail in the morning and then climbing in the afternoon!

We really could not ask any more of these children, they are giving everything such a good go, but most importantly working as a team and really looking after to one another.

What a pleasure they are to take away! They will most definitely sleep well tonight after such an active day!