"Together, we are one drop. But together we are the ocean." - 20.5.22

This week we have reached the end of our half term. We have continued our preparations for our sports day by spending time practising the remaining events. We have found that skipping is proving to be quite the challenge, but my, what perseverant children we have. They have wowed me with their enthusiasm and determination, organising themselves by spending their break times to practise this skill. I am so proud of them all and I know that you will be to when you watch them on Sports day next half term.

In English we have read chapter three of the Iron man and although this was a short chapter, wow did it pack a punch! We spent time exploring the new vocabulary along with the events that happened. We are desperate to read on! Roll on Tuesday when we return after the half term and we can find out what happens to the Iron man, Hogarth and the farmers!

We have continued our bridging in maths and once again the children’s confidence in crossing over and back the 100s and 10s boundary astounds me! As I reflect back over the week, I am sat remembering so many moments that made me smile as I watched the children work with their partner, helping each other with such kindness and compassion. Well done Year 3!

Let’s Celebrate!

Once again as we reach the end of our term, we ask the children to reflect and chose our certificates. I am always impressed when reading their comments about each other… they really do value such wonderful qualities in each other.

This half term the children would like to celebrate…

Niamh: “You are a Bobby bee! You are so focused in maths and are really good at it! You are also really kind and compassionate towards me and play with me at breaktimes.” … “for being so focused.” … “for being a really kind learning partner.”

Liam: “…because if somebody gets hurt when we are playing football you always make sure the game is stopped and check if the person is okay. You are very caring!” … “for being a really good co-operative Roger robin.” … “for being a really kind learning partner.”


  • Please remember that during the first week back we will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a whole school picnic outside (pray for sunshine). This will take place on Wednesday 8th June and the children are asked to wear red, white and/or blue to mark this very special occasion.

  • Sports day: Our sports day is on Wednesday 15th June at 1:30 and should last for 1 hour. On this day please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream.

We hope that you all manage to have a lovely two weeks break… I think this is something we are all very ready for! We cannot wait to welcome you all back on Monday the 6th June as we begin our final half term together. My goodness, the final half term… I am already getting emotional as I type that! Where has the year gone?

Also, please remember that the final half term is jam packed with different school events. Please keep looking at our class page and the schools calendar so that nothing passes you by.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco and Miss Russell