Year 2 Weekly Blog 20.5.22 - 'Kindness is one thing you can't give away. It always comes back".

Well, I can’t believe we’ve reached another holiday here in Year 2, but my goodness, I definitely feel that this one is much needed and well deserved by everyone! The five weeks of this term seem to have flown by quicker than ever before and the children have continued to amaze me with their focus, determination and bundles of progress they are making.

This week the children seem to have completed LOADS of writing! We’ve been writing letters to Aladdin and setting descriptions in English and have even managed to write some instructions in Science about how to look after the plants we brought home from our trip to ‘Bring Yer Wellies’.

On Wednesday, the children finished their history learning all about Grace Darling with Miss Brisco by writing a newspaper report all about what happened. Miss Brisco told me she’s very excited to go home and read them over the holidays!

In Maths, the children were introduced to our new topic ‘money’, which we will delve deeper into after the holidays. The class already have great knowledge of the British coins and notes so I’m looking forward to building on this further. This could be something that could be talked about when visiting the shops over the holidays.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support this term. I hope you manage to enjoy some family time together during the holidays and I welcome the children back on Monday 6th June for their final term in Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

We are lucky to have such a Focused Cooper Crab in our lessons everyday Tilly!  No matter what the subject, you always show everybody that you are ready to learn and always play such an active role by sharing your ideas openly.  Your confidence continues to blossom and I think sometimes even you can’t believe what you are able to achieve in your learning.  Well done Tilly!

Seth, you have been a real Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird this week!  It has been wonderful to see you really trying hard with the presentation of your work.  I have loved seeing your beaming smile when you have handed in a piece of work and have said ‘I really tried with my handwriting today’.  Keep this up Seth – we know just what you are capable of now so there’s no getting away with it!


Just a little reminder that on June 8th we are celebrating in style with a Red White and Blue Day. Children can come to school wearing red, white and blue own clothes. At lunch time we will enjoy a whole school picnic outside on the field (let’s pray for a sunny day!). Jacqui, our school cook, has ordered special lunchboxes which will be filled with a picnic feast.

Sports day: Our sports day is on Tuesday 14th June at 1:30pm and should last for 1 hour. Parents are welcome to come and watch. On this day please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream.

Please do check the school calendar. We have lots coming up when we return to school and we wouldn’t want you to miss anything.

I haven’t set any home learning to be completed over the holidays. Please enjoy a rest with your families. However, please do ensure that your child is reading for at least 30 minutes every day. Handwriting practice is also a good thing to keep ticking over and I know the children are on a roll with their TT Rockstars! We will also be learning all about the Queen as part of the Jubilee celebrations when we return, so it would be great if you could take any photographs of your celebrations to help with discussions.

We return to school on Monday 6th June at the normal times of 8:40am and 8:50am.

Enjoy the holidays!
Stay safe and God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team