Your lovely children have done just this on their final week - given it their absolute all! They have worked their absolute socks off yet again to get 40 class hugs - which was rewarded with an extra break but also a Jammy Dodger biscuit too!
We have been inspired by the apostles this week in RE I think. We learned about St Paul and his conversion on the road to Damascus. Then children reflected on discipleship and how it is hard - St Paul faced so many challenges spreading the good news of Jesus around the world - but it was a joy to do it too. We reflected on the teachings of the early Christians and how we can follow their advice in our lives.
In other news, we have been revising all our methods for multiplication and division this week and have been solving problems choosing the correct operation. Children created their own Viking myth story from their magical objects and characters. We created a fantastic dance in PE about the story, ‘Thor and the Giants,’
In history, they have learned about many towns in England which must have been Viking settlements by looking at their place names. We have also started our new novel, “Odd and the Frost Giants,’ which we are reading with our new reading partners.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are:
Alex who received a Roger Robin certificate for being such a peacekeeper this week and helping other people to solve their problems. Also for being such a lovely partner with people.
Lily-Mae who received a Tommy Turtle certificate for having a go, realising that your best is good enough and believing in herself.
Music stars this week were Emilia and Leo.
PE stars were Tabby for being a very smug cat/serpent and Iris for being a fantastic leader of Marsden. To lead is to serve!
Today, we are saying farewell to Miss Woodrow who has been at our school for 15 years! the children have spent lots of time with her over the years and she will be sorely missed. We wish you best luck at your new post.
SWIMMING will be on the first week back. It is on FRIDAY MORNING now. Children need the usual things and to be at school for 8:30am.
Please look at the calendar for other events in June.
Also please help your child practise times tables each day of the holidays - just for a short time - there is a note on the homework section.
Have a fantastic half term break everyone and have fun being with your little treasures!
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.