This week...

As we limp towards half term we have reflected on all the learning we have encountered sine Easter. It really is no wonder we are all exhausted!

The garden is blooming and we are now seeing lots of minibeasts are starting to visit the garden. The children are always on the lookout for anything that moves! This has made us think we should explore minibeasts as a learning thread next half term! Click on the button to have a look at our plans.

Key person blog

 What another busy week in Nursery! We have continued to celebrate our reply from Buckingham Palace by making our own crowns to wear for the Platinum Jubilee Party on Friday! Look out...there is a lot of ‘Bling.’ If that wasn’t enough, we decided we would create our own portraits of Her Majesty and have put them up on display.  We have also enjoyed listening and singing (very enthusiastically!) to the National Anthem. Click here

There has been a little bit of messy play in the garden (your washing machines may already know this!) The children have made their own mud kitchen and were making mud pies and potions that could turn humans in to lions. It was ferocious!!

To counteract the mud we did have lots of water play as the sunny weather appeared towards the end of the week...we have washed babies and  also our beautiful selection of sea shells.

We have been out on the school field practicing for our upcoming sports day and the children’s running and throwing skills are improving all the time.

We have been looking after some poorly patients in our animal hospital where our super vets have been caring for and looking after some of nursery’s teddy bears and animals.

Our outside house has been redecorated by some mini painters who have painted it with glitter water and it is now all beautiful and sparkly. This is a fab activity to do at home outside in the garden with your children , all you need is some water and a paintbrush. This activity really helps develop those important muscles needed for writing.

We have continued caring for all our plants in the nursery garden and have also now planted some courgettes and everything else continues to grow. We hope your sunflowers are growing at home, we have loved seeing the photos you have sent in.

We have been learning about the number 8 and watching the number blocks video. Click here to watch at home

We hope you all have a lovely half term holiday.

Barbara, Colette, Justine, Frances and Michelle.


This half term we have discussed at great length our relationship with others; our family at home, our family at nursery and school, our friendships and relationships and the wider community, the Church and God. The children expanded their vocabulary by applying names to different family/friend relationships, considered positive/negative behaviour in relationships and learn to look to Jesus as their role model for a good friend. We learnt to resolve conflict and the importance of asking for forgiveness: that when we hurt others, we also hurt Jesus – but that Jesus teaches us how to forgive ourselves and others.

We also have explored our religious understanding. We talked about why the Bible is so special to Christians.

This week in assembly Miss Hornby talked about how we should love each other and when we smile it shows our love for another person. Some of the older children thought of other ways to show our love, by giving hugs, helping each other and sharing. Our challenge for the holidays is to smile and show the people around you how you can be more like Jesus.

Theo and Henry received the Learning certificates this week; Theo for being a concentrate Cooper Crab and doing good listening at Carpet Kingdom time; and Henry for being a Cooperative Roger Robin. He always notices if anyone needs help and is the first to lend a helping hand. Well done Theo and Henry.

Finally, the nursery team would like to say a big thank you for all your wonderful support of nursery, we really do appreciate it. Try and have a rest over the next couple of weeks because the last half term is even busier!!!!

Hopefully the weather will be sunny, if not here is a rainy day activity sheet for you. I have also sent a few maths games home for you do (if you have time) ….sorry I just can’t help myself!

Stay safe and have fun and I will see you all on the 6th June bright eyed and bushy tailed.
