Year 5 Homework to be completed for Friday May 13th

Firstly a massive congratulations to the children who reached their 420 target on TT Rockstars this week! This means you have mastered all the division and multiplication facts- 420 in total!!. We have a smaller group aiming to achieve this important milestone. Keep being resilient - plough on!!! Even though we practice in school daily - if you are on this journey give yourself 5-10 mins each day at home too - and you will crack it!


Each year the children complete 4 star reader tests on the AR reading system- this gives them a reading age and measures progress. Those children shooting up to their targets are those making that progress. Being resilient, and focused and managing distractions when reading at home is the key - please continue to enjoy reading for pleasure!


More perimeter this week - we need to reason about he shapes now please compete Y5 and Y6 - you may have started these in school.

ENGLISH - Let’s get creative - POETRY

I have created a link here to a wonderful program in which the poets Michael Rosen and Benjamin Zephaniah (the author of Windrush) perform their poetry - please watch and be inspired

Reflect on our novel “Windrush Child” think about Leonard - his hopes his dream, his live in Jamaica and his life in Manchester. Can you write a short thoughtful poem?

Please type it up in Purple Mash and hand it in I have made a 2do for you.

Click on image to open the film





Root words  - retrieval

 jud-   law  (latin)

judge   - noun 

judiciary – noun 

prejudice – abstract noun