Reception Blog 22.4.22 - ‘Individually we are one drop, together we are an ocean.’

What a week of glorious weather we have had, we have been in our outdoor classroom at every possible opportunity. I have seen some lovely moments of teamwork and friendship this week, the summer term in Reception is always such a special one.

It has been lovely to welcome Mrs Summersall to our Reception team this week and we look forward to welcoming Mrs Maano on Monday.

We have been preparing our garden for a few changes this week and had quite the team helping to remove a tree, the children were fascinated by the loppers and told us all about the tools their grown ups have at home. It sparked some brilliant conversations and comparisons. We are clearing a few trees to make our very popular mud kitchen area bigger and we plan to plant herb and plants we can use in our recipes.

This week we have been talking all things spiders! We started on a fact finding mission, by reading books and watching information videos we found out so many interesting things. Did you know baby spiders are called spiderlings, some spiders don’t make webs, they catch their food by chasing it and it takes a spider roughly 1 hour to make a web.

We had great fun making predictions of why we thought the spider was very busy. Logan thought she might be making a web rollercoaster and Patrick thought she might be going to the spider shop to buy dragonflies! We enjoyed watching a video of the story (button below) and began to make a story map to help us retell the story as a class. We look forward to sharing this with you all!

In RE this week it was brilliant to hear the children recall the story of Easter week so well and in great detail. We have been talking about things that bring us joy and make us smile. We linked this to the Easter joy we feel to know that Jesus rose from the dead and how pleased his disciples were.

Let’s Celebrate

Vincent is a Co-operative Roger Robin - For working so hard during tidy up time this week and working well in your tidy up team. You focused on the job in hand to get your area tidy. Thank you for setting a great example to others. Well done Vincent!

Ruth is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For coming in each day with a big smile on your face, ready to learn. You have spread your enthusiasm wonderfully around the class! We are so impressed with your attitude towards getting the job done and always being helpful in the classroom. Well done Ruth!

Important notices

Names in clothing and on bottles - Please, Please, PLEASE can you ensure all your child’s belongings are clearly labelled! Especially PE tracksuit tops and bottoms. We are wasting learning time reuniting clothing without names with the right owner.

BROCKHOLES TRIP NEW DATE…THURSDAY 12TH MAY - I will repost the blog nearer the time to remind you of the important information.

Have a lovely weekend, let’s hope this sunshine continues!

The Reception Team