"The more adaptable we are the more chance we have of getting through!" C.Crawley (Downton Abbey!)

Dear Year 5 family!

What a week we have had. From long division models to mixing solutions - we’ve been busy! I would like to thank the class most sincerely too for being flexible as I had to pop to Year 6 on Friday to teach due to the early and unexpected arrival of Mrs Gregan’s beautiful daughter. Mrs Nel took over - delivering the lessons on perimeter, science and she’s getting right into our class Novel “The Windrush Child” too. It was wonderful to be able to teach gymnastics in the hall on Thursday - thank you for your prompt response to my request for kit on!

In RE we wrote witness statements in relation to the Risen Christ and we spent some precious time reflecting on our Jesuit virtues “Eloquence and Truth”. On Friday we thought deeply too about the statement “sharing is not always caring”. This was part of our HRSE curriculum and e-safety - something we need to keep being mindful about.

Thank you children for working so incredibly hard!

Awards this week

This week our growth mindset certificates went to: Max, Thomas and Jayden! Well done!

Important reminders

Next week is Bank Holiday so we will see you all on Tuesday

PE next week is Tuesday - Due to my Deputy Head commitments and teaching in Year 6 I will not be able to complete the gym session next week. I am planning to make this up - I’ll let you know when this will be asap.

Football practice Tuesday after school

FOOD TECH - the good news is Mrs Curtis has contacted me with details of food tech sessions for 12th and 18th May. I have attached here her groupings/dates and instructions.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday form the Year 5 team!