“Children see magic because they look for it!”

It’s been another magical week in Year 1 full of creativity and imagination. We were amazed to find that the Time Machine had reappeared but after investigating the clues, we found that this time, it had travelled from the Stone Age! We explored cave paintings and had great fun getting into character and dressing up. This really helped with our creative writing. On Friday, we received an interesting letter from Ogg who left us his favourite book. We made some predictions about the story and can’t wait to find out what happens next week.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have begun our Multiplication and Division unit by exploring arrays. We created equal groups using counters and objects from our classroom and built them up in columns or rows to make arrays.

In RE, we continued to reflect on the Easter Story and the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. We thought about Mary of Magdala and how she felt when she discovered that Jesus had risen.

In Geography, we began our new ‘At the Farm’ topic and began by exploring what farms are and why they are important. We discovered that there are different types of farms: arable, dairy and livestock farms.



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Well Done Louisa!
Louisa you have been such an enthusiastic learner this week. You have engaged in our topics and class discussions with great excitement and you have shared your ideas with a loud and proud voice. Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm with us all.

Focused Cooper Crab: Well done Ellie - Rose!
Ellie - Rose, you have been so focused during our Read Write Inc and English lessons and you have really taken your time with your writing. You have been thinking about how you can make your writing even better and focused on your letter formation and remembering your finger spaces. It has been wonderful to see how proud you are when you see what you can achieve.


  • Unfortunately, there will be no Food Tech wb. 01.05.22. Please follow the link below for updated dates and recipes.

  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team