Celebrating 70 years of service - Thank you Queen Elizabeth II

Mrs Nel has taken lots of pictures of us this week - we have been super busy. We have learnt about and celebrated the reign of our Queen. Alongside these lessons we have explored irreversible changes in science- when mixing and creating a chemical reaction and when adding heat. In RE we have begun to explore how God’s presence is felt and expressed in other world religions and in music of course we have begun to stage our songs for the play. When we teach maths there is a point when the children reach a level of understanding that allows them to solve more complex problems (we call this intelligent practice). My word we worked hard with this puzzles. In fact we have explored formula and used a spreadsheet to show how these too use formula to make calculations easier! We also strated angles in our shape lesson - working towards mastering a protractor! Just a fantastic week of learning! Below are several galleries for you to enjoy!!

Great focus Year 5!


Our Growth Mindset Certificates this week went to: Jacob M and Jessica. There were an unstoppable force this week! Well done.

Madame Jefferson returned and our French stars are: James Jessica, Christian and Saul


Next week is Health and Happiness week - we will be exploring all the things that keep our bodies healthy and our emotional well being positive too.

SPORTS DAY - Sports day is next Thursday 16th June at 1:30 2:45 pm. We are so excited (we’ve had a practice!!!) You are invited to the school grounds to join us for what is always a fun time together!

TRIP to St. Bede’s. On Thursday 23rd June - Year 5 will be travelling up to St. Bede’s to take part in a science and technology day. The staff of St. Bede’s will be taking the children. It is an opportunity for the class to experience life at High School. I have a letter to hand out - but I have also scanned it here for you to read digitally - all the details of the day are included.

Have a lovely restful weekend - from the Year 5 team.