Jubilee special!!!!

Welcome back everyone. It’s hard to believe it is the last few weeks of the year!! The children have been full of interesting things that they have been doing at home to celebrate the Queens 70th Jubilee. It sounds that you all had great fun!

Our favourite bit of the celebration was Paddington have tea at Winsor Castle with the Queen. If you didn’t manage to see it click here, it was truly magical.

As you know we had our Jubilee Afternoon Tea Party before the holidays. It was such good fun. We played lots of ‘Royal’ party games (including ‘pin the Tail on the Corgi1), danced to all our favourite songs, stood smartly for the National Anthem and ate lots of yummy food!!!!

Have a look at all our photos!

We were also lucky enough on Wednesday to receive and invitation from school to join in their Jubilee Picnic. We then had a chance to play with everyone in the whole school on the field! It was such great fun to play with big sister and brothers, cousins and friends. We even got to play on the big climbing equipment! It was lovely to all be back together again!

It has been another splendid week at Nursery, the children have come back full of energy and ready to learn. There have been some avid explorers spotted in Nursery garden who have been surveying the environment along with their backpacks and binoculars! There have been a few minibeasts spotted along the way!

The explorers are aware that there is so much to do, in our garden. As well as looking after all our plants and flowers we have some new additions to our Nursery family. Firstly, we have some tadpoles to care for. The children have helped to make them a new home and we will be examining them closely over the next few weeks to see if there are any changes….watch this space!

Naturally, not being satisfied with just the tadpoles, we went on a snail hunt and made them a new habitat with supplies of lettuce so we can observe those too. More??? Absolutely! The next mission was to build a wormery with layers of sand and soil so that we can observe the worms too! Last but by no means least Thursday saw the postman bring us a delivery of baby caterpillars so that we can watch their journey as well!

In addition to all this there has been some painting of minibeasts, music, practising for Sports Day and we have been introduced to the Numberblock Eight the amazing Octoblock! Click here to watch. 

 Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Barbara, Michelle, Colette, Justine, Frances and Stephanie.

You may have noticed a new name on our Key person blog. Stephanie has joined our happy band of learners at nursery! I’m sure you will have chance for a chat at the gate and to introduce yourself. Like the rest of the team I’m sure you would like to say a huge ‘welcome’.

It has been a full on week of learning and the children are starting to flag. Hopefully you will get some rest at the weekend?

It’s been good to see you all after the holidays, enjoy your weekend.
