Year 6 Weekly Blog 'In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun' Mary Poppins

We have taken this quote, and we have definitely found this to be quite true this week! What a lovely, varied week we have had in Year 6, and although the learning continues, we are putting all of our skills to good use in many different ways.

The week started with a very special visit from Mr Marsden, St Bede’s Headteacher, Mrs Burdess, St Bede’s Lay Chaplain and our lovely past pupils, Darcey and Francesca. Year 6 definitely gave the best first impressions, as they listened all about what to expect at High School, taking in all of the information and asking vital questions. The was a real buzz of excitement as they started to thinking about their next chapter.

Mary Poppins is in full swing now, as we have completed the first three scenes. They are approaching rehearsals with great enthusiasm and determination. We now, just need to make sure that all the children know their lines by heart, as it makes rehearsals much quicker and smoother, and I am very aware of time. Please this weekend encourage the children where possible to practice their lines and songs ready for next week. I know some of you have been asking about costumes …next week we will be putting a list together of the costumes we have already got in our drama cupboard, what we need to buy and if there is anything particular we need your child to have we will let you know by the end of next week.

Learning is continuing at the same pace in class during rehearsal time and we have been so impressed with the children’s independence, focus and presentation of their work. This week a lot of their work has been centred around the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, they have created a fact file and research on the Queen and her role, they have designed and created their own crowns and flags ready for our picnic and even our Maths has been to use BODMAS to create formulas and number sentences that make 70. On top of this, the children have began their new class novel- ‘Wonder’.

The celebrations on Wednesday were wonderful. Jackie and the kitchen team had created a wonderful picnic box and surprise treat, that we shared as a whole school on the playground. We ate, sang the National Anthem, danced and played as a whole school and we all loved it. It has been a long time since the whole school has come together in such a way, that it made you realise just how much we all have missed it.

Thank you to Mark for sharing his ‘award-winning’ jubilee Lego model and Jessica for letting us borrow her Jubilee bunting that she sewed together herself- what a talented bunch you are!

This week was the first week of jobs and the teachers could not stop telling me how helpful, kind and enthusiastic all of their helpers were this week, so well done Year 6 on your first week working in classes.

Well done to Daniel and Eli

Eli you have been so focused and worked so hard on your independent tasks and have produced some wonderful work- well done!

Daniel thank you so much for being such a wonderful reflective learner, your RE work was so insightful, which added greatly to our lesson.


We all know that the recent pandemic has brought many challenges for us all. In school, we noticed this more in terms of swimming, with a lot of children not being able to access lessons during lockdowns. However, one of the positives has been how the children have used the outdoor space. They have been scootering, biking, running and walking. There is much more of a confidence in biking and I know that a large number of parents have trained their child to ride safely when out and about. Well done!

Usually in Year 6, we complete a course on bikability. This is where the children learn to ride a bike and then understand how to operate safely on the roads. Due to the pandemic, we haven’t been able to organise this. Our allocated school provider covers Fylde, Wyre, Preston and Blackburn and Darwen - a vast area of the county, and too many schools to cover in the short time that schools have been allowing visitors into school (February onwards). In the years that we have completed the course, we have a very small % of children who need this support, so we are also deemed low priority compared to schools in busy areas where there is more traffic.

I have been researching opportunities for any child who feels like they need to complete the course, possibly in the summer holidays. If you click on the button below, it will take you to a website where you can search providers that are local to you. Some of the providers will take your child on an individual basis, some may offer it as part of a holiday camp.

Important Notices:

  • PE days will be on Tuesday going forward.

  • Year 5 and 6 Sport’s Day is next week- Thursday 16th June 1:30 - 2:45pm - please do come and watch!

  • Next Friday 17th June is the Year 6 induction day at St Bede’s- look smart!