Year 6 Weekly Blog 'The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts' Willy Wonka

The suspense for some of waiting to go in the hall is unbearable, but their time will come- this is what it is all about … the fun of waiting for something amazing to all come together! What a lovely, varied week we have had in Year 6, and although the learning continues, we are putting all of our skills to good use in many different ways.

Water Parks now seems a distant memory, yet the stories, tales and memories still live on. There have been many conversations centred around our holiday, here is a photo of our final day…

This week we have had a very special visit from Mr Marsden, St Bede’s Headteacher, and our lovely past pupils Clayton and Bella. Year 6 definitely gave the best first impressions, as they listened all about what to expect at High School, taking in all of the information and asking vital questions. There was a real buzz of excitement as they started to thinking about their next chapter.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is in full swing now, as we have completed the first three scenes. They are approaching rehearsals with great enthusiasm and determination. We now, just need to make sure that all the children know their lines by heart, as it makes rehearsals much quicker and smoother, and I am very aware of time. Please this weekend encourage the children where possible to practice their lines and songs ready for next week. I know some of you have been asking about costumes …next week we will be putting a list together of the costumes we have already got in our drama cupboard, what we need to buy and if there is anything particular we need your child to have we will let you know by the end of next week.

Learning is continuing at the same pace in class during rehearsal time and we have been so impressed with the children’s independence, focus and presentation of their work. This week a lot of their work has been centred around our class novel Skellig. We have also continued our shape work in Maths and started our DT top with Mrs Neves on Monday.

Could all the children below, who are making starters, bring in the ingredients that they need to make this. They have all wrote a list of the ingredients they need, so they should know exactly what they need, -they are either making Nachos or smoky roasted pepper soup- sounds yummy!









This week was the first week of jobs and the teachers could not stop telling me how helpful, kind and enthusiastic all of their helpers were this week, so well done Year 6 on your first week working in classes.

Well done to Abi and

Well done Abi- For coming back to school knowing  your lines and working with me and the rest of your ‘cast’ so cooperatively- listening to advice, stage direction and being so enthusiastic- giving everything a go!

Wow Jacob, you have come back to school with that continued positive attitude and thrown yourself in to all that the school has offered you this week. Your commitment to activities after school and your stickability does not go unnoticed! Thank you for giving your time and always offering your services.

Intentional and Prophetic Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional in the choices they make, thinking about the impact this has on the world and others around them. We will also be spotting children who are prophetic, who do good deeds and who stand up for that is right. This week we thank Isabella for being intentional and prophetic.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Abi Mason Hollie-Rose Jack


St Bede’s induction day is on Wednesday 5th July- details of this will be given nearer the time.


Information Evening for new Year 6 parents - 6th July - times to be confirmed but likely to start around 5:30pm and parents will be invited in for a particular time to meet their child's new form tutor.

Moving Up Day - 7th July - times to be confirmed but likely to ask pupils to arrive at LSA around 8:20am. 

Important Notices:

  • PE days will be on Wednesday’s going forward.

  • House Captains and head boy and head girl to help out at induction evening next Wednesday 21st at 6pm-7pm.

  • Year 5 and 6 Sport’s Day is Wednesday 28th June 1:30 - 2:45pm - please do come and watch!

  • Next Wednesday is the gym jam jog day!