"Happiness is a direction not a place"

We have placed our theme “Health and Happiness”. At the centre of our learning this week - and what a lot of learning!!! We have explored what makes us emotionally happy and physically healthy. Mrs Nel has explored the link between emotions and behaviours - plus a deep dive into positive thinking. In science we’ve been learning all about the heart not only how to keep it healthy but how it works! We investigated our heart rate and what happens to it when we exercise - our results were placed on a spreadsheet with a formulae - linking our learning to maths from last week!

Being part of a team and a community is essential - with others we find a purpose and ourselves. Together we have staged our songs for the play at the end of the year- we’re excited!!!. In English we began to read a beautiful book called “Cloud Busting” it is by Malorie Blackman - the book tells the story in poetry and the children are hooked! Insprred we wrote our own poetry too! Maths continues - we’ve moved onto fractions. In RE we continue to research other religions this week visiting Judaism and Buddhism - two religions that have their origins in another’s.

The highlight of the week was definitely our Sports Day. It ws just lovely to have one that felt right- you were there. Thank you for all the cheering and clapping! I’ve posted the pictures I took below


This week our certificates went to Kai, Thomas and Jacob M - well done boys!!


Please read last weeks blog for information about our trip to St. Bede’s on Thursday

Next week Friday 24th is our ANNUAL GYM JAM JOG (sadly postponed since 2019!) Below are the details for all joggers, old and new:

  • The children are invited to school in their PYJAMAS plus cuddly friend.

  • We arrive super early!!! The gates will open at 8 O'clock.

  • The children are then invited to run with their friends or their parent (pyjamas not essential). It is important that you count the laps.

This is a sponsored event. There has been much debate at school council level about what the children want in their playground and they want a castle!!!!

A place where imaginations can run wild! Needless to say, we need money for the build - we know as a community we can do this!

Use the sponsor from sent home this weekend to ask family and friends to sponsor you for each lap or to donate on the promise that you will jog your heart out!!!

We will jog right up until school starts when we will say goodbye to parents and jog into class - ready for breakfast!

We can't wait to share another event with the whole school family together!

Have a lovely weekend- enjoy the sun!