"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

We welcomed our wonderful class back on Monday after the half term. It was great to hear all about the amazing adventures that have been had during these two weeks! The tans, new hair cuts and beaming smiles set the week off on a great note!

The children have been super busy celebrating our incredible Queen, learning all about her Coronation, her life from being a child and her reign. We are in AWE of her dedication from such a young age. On Wednesday we shared this celebration with the rest of the school as we came together for a picnic lunch. Although we had a soggy start to the day, God answered our prayers and dried out the playground… meaning we could all enjoy the picnic outside together! It was just wonderful to see everybody together… these moments haven’t been shared in what feels like forever! Everybody was up dancing, ice lollies in hand, marking this very special moment!

However, our learning hasn’t been solely been about the Queen, we have continued to share our class novel and are itching to finish the final chapter on Monday! I wonder if any of our predictions will be right?!

We have also been busy practising for our Sports day next Wednesday. I for one cannot wait for the children to show you their hardwork! Not only are they super competitive, trying their upmost. They have also become such compassionate and supportive sportspeople. Will are going to have the best afternoon!

Our sporting events don’t stop there! Our first group of children ventured out to Ashton Gardens today to experience Crown Green Bowling. The children were brilliantly behaved and absolutely loved learning about this new sport. I know our next two groups are equally excited to take part in this exciting opportunity! Well done Year 3! The previous blog has all the information needed regarding which groups the children are in and what they need to remember on their day.

Let’s Celebrate

Layla: You have wowed us with your focus and enthusiasm! We were blown away during maths, when you whizzed through your work on hundreds numbers.. you have been such a Bobby bee! You are working so hard and we could not be more proud of you! A huge well done Layla, keep up the great work!

Michael: A huge well done Michael! You have really stood out to us this week for your fantastic focus! We have been really impressed when looking at your work and seeing just how much you have got through, you haven’t wasted a second! As always, you have also been a wonderful, kind and supportive learning partner! Thank you Michael, you make us so proud!


  • Please don’t forget that this coming Wednesday (15th June) we will be celebrating our Sports day. This will start promptly at 1:30 and should last for around 1 hour. Please make sure your child comes to school in their PE kits, their water bottle, a sunhat and sun cream. Thank you!

  • Crown Green Bowling: Each child will visit Ashton gardens over the coming weeks (one group have already done so) to take part in crown green bowling. Please see which group and day your child will be heading to Ashton Gardens. On their day they must wear their school PE kit, and suncream / coat - the British weather is SO unpredictable we are better off just covering all bases!

Change to PE days:

As from Monday 20th June our new PE days will be: Monday - Outdoor and Thursday - Indoor. Please make sure PE kits are worn on this day. Once again thank you!