Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Friday 17th June

We have had a cracking start to the half term. I think the break was just what the doctor ordered. Everyone has been so focused and enthusiastic about the Jubilee and all the learning!


We continue to set and strive towards our reading target. I’ve joined a number of children in the library selecting books. We read every day in school but we need to sustain that reading daily at home too - it is the key to everything!


Please make sure you have completed Y15 area before securing Y17 on your IXL. Y17 is tricky and may require some support. The children may benefit greatly form jotting the shape down and placing jotting on the diagram.


We have really celebrated the Queen this week. Please complete the task set on Purple Mash. I have gone over it in class. We have linked the History of the Empire to the Commonwealth a number of times this year (WWI remembrance and the Windrush novel). Enjoy!


As you know Year 5 are part of the end of year play. Please make sure you know your words as we are staging the two songs next week. The girls have already started theirs and a few girls knew the song- if we all do by next week - it would be great! please click on this link to pop to the blog I posted over half term with the songs.

Thank you for your continued support - it is always appreciated!