Year 2 Weekly Blog 1.7.22 - "And then I realised, adventures are the best way to learn!"

I can’t believe that we are into July already, and only have just over two weeks of learning left in Year 2! This has flown by with the children not missing any opportunities to grow their brains and learn a little more about themselves!

In Science the children have been recognising the different materials around them and have been thinking carefully about why certain materials are used to make certain things. They really enjoyed thinking about the three little pigs, and which out of the three pigs had the best material to make their house and why.

On Tuesday afternoon the class were very lucky to have their first taster of a French lesson. Madame Jefferson came into class and couldn’t believe the amount of vocabulary the children already knew! We have one more taster session before the holidays and when in Year 3, the children will participate in weekly French lessons; how exciting!

It was lovely to have the whole school back together again at church on Wednesday morning to celebrate the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. I was so proud of the children, they walked to and from church so sensibly and sat beautifully throughout the mass. They remembered the parts of the mass that we had practised in class and showed great respect and reverence. What excellent singing we had too! Thank you to those parents who walked with us; your help was greatly appreciated!

It was then time for our much-anticipated trip to Stanley Park on Thursday. We had a mixture of weather as the children tackled the low ropes course and the adventures of the mole hole. Again, I couldn’t have been prouder of the class. Many of the children had to overcome fears and worries to tackle the obstacles, but their smiles at the end could have been seen for miles around afterward. This is always a challenging trip and really takes some of the children out of their comfort zone. Well done Year 2; you truly have grown so much this year!

Let’s Celebrate

You were such a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ on our trip to Stanley Park Toby!  Even though you felt slightly nervous yourself, you encouraged those finding it difficult around you to keep going.  You used lovely encouraging words and spoke with such kindness.  You didn’t want to leave any of your friends out of the mole hole and tried your best to get them to have a go!  Thank you Toby – I think we’ll see you working at Stanley Park in the future!

What a brave ‘Tommy Turtle’ you were at Stanley Park Rose!  You felt a little worried about the low ropes activity, but took a couple of deep breaths and slowly and steadily worked your way around the course.  You didn’t once say you couldn’t do it; you were determined to get all the way to the end!  Well done Rose – I could tell by your beaming smile at the end just how proud of yourself you were!


During assembly this morning, a gentleman from St Anne’s library joined us to celebrate a child in Year 2 who had read over 50 books and had completed their reading trail! Well done Matilda! He also told the children all about the different reading challenges that are taking place throughout the summer holidays. Why not take a trip to the library and see what exciting things it has in store?!

Enjoy the weekend; let’s hope we get more of the sunshine and less of the rain showers!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team