Year 3 Blog 1.7.22 - Nothing is impossible. The words itself says, "I'M POSSIBLE!"

The weeks really are flying by! This week the children have WOWED us with their independent writing! We have a class of reflective learners and we are SO proud of each one of them. Our Year 3’s set off writing their own versions of the Iron Man… and then swiftly got their purple pencils out to add missing punctuation, improve their vocabulary choices AND sentence structures. Reading and marking their writing has been the biggest joy! Well done everybody!

We also had another special moment this week as we celebrated the feast of St Peter and Paul in church. Celebrating mass together as a school felt so special! Watching the children help one another with the parts of the mass was just beautiful, thank you children!

The children have also finished their investigations in science this week. We have been exploring different surfaces and seeing what effect this has when trying to make objects travel. The children worked brilliantly together and I am sure they could tell you lots about their findings!

Let’s celebrate!

A Determined learner… JACOB: A huge well done! You have shown such effort and focus this week and  always, “try, try, try” to do your very best. During our writing this week you made sure to carefully edit your work, checking to see if you had included all of our Year 3 skills, Brilliant Jacob!

A Co-operative and determined learner…BELLA: You have wowed us this week with your absolute focus and determination during your writing of the Iron Man. You thought carefully about the vocabulary you used and made sure to include the key parts of your story. You have achieved so many targets this year because you try so hard and never give up! Well done Bella!

Summer Reading Challenge:

Tpday we have had one of the librarians ftom St. Annes Library in to talk to us about the summer reading challenge at the library. This starts tomorrow and they are having a launch event with different activities. It is always good to keep reading ticking over during the summer holidays so why not sign up to complete the challenge. We are sure that the children will really enjoy it.


  • Please remember that our PE days are Monday and Thursday. Make sure to wear your PE kit on these days!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 3 team