This week....

Yet another fabulous week of learning. Our brains are growing so fast.

We are all enjoying our visits to the beach and to the library. We are now thinking where else we can visit that is within walking distance!!

Key person blog

What a week for our caterpillars! We came in on Wednesday morning and one of our caterpillars was starting to emerge from their chrysalids! We were all super excited. At first there were only four but today, another has emerged, meaning all five have now gone through their metamorphosis (one of our wow words we have recently learnt).

Our caterpillars had grown beautiful wings. The children said that the butterflies must be hungry—it’s hard work growing wings! We dissolved our little sachet of nectar in water and placed little droplets on flowers and pot them in the butterfly habitat with some slices of juicy orange. The butterflies landed on them and seemed to enjoy their tasty treat! We have been feeding them nectar and plan to release them soon.

 We have also enjoyed reading our story we wrote together last week! Some of our friends hadn't seen the story as they weren't in last week, so we concentrated like Cooper Crab and told them all the parts of the story! We used our story map to help us—it was so much fun to remember all the different minibeasts we had put into our story.

We have continued with our trips out and have explored more of St Annes sea front, this time spotting baby ducks on the pond and investigating the waterfall. We tripped trapped across the bridge but luckily, we managed to avoid the troll. 

Some of us also enjoyed a super story at St Annes library, Whatever Next. Click here to listen at home. We also had our snack at the library!

PE was great fun in the hall where we practised moving in different ways to the Sticky Kids song. This is one of our favourites. Click here to join in at home.

The children have explored length by measuring and comparing lengths of lots of different objects, including themselves.

Click here for a measuring activity to do at home.

We have even made popcorn…it went everywhere!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we  will see you all next week for more fun and learning.

Barbara, Michelle, Colette, Justine, Stephanie and Frances.

I am sure you will agree that we are all working very hard…and also having lots of FUN!! Here are even more photos of our learning; sound sorting, symmetry, mark making big and small, constructing, reading our floorbooks, making collage pictures, playing hairdressers, working on the Touch TV and capturing minibeasts for further investigation!!! Phew!!

We have a request from any gardeners at home. We have had delivered a small Christmas tree to look after and nurture. If anyone has a large pot and some compost and you are willing to donate them to nursery, we would be most grateful. We are wanting it to grow the tree really tall then we can decorate it at Christmas time with baubles and lights!

Make sure the children have a good rest this weekend as next week is even busier!!!!!

Have a fabulous weekend full of family fun and we will see you on Monday!
