Year 2 Weekly Blog 8.7.22 - "If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone"

Yet another week has flown by in the blink of an eye! The learning has continued to be fast-paced and focused as the children prepare for their transition into the juniors!

We have completed lots of Science this week! We started by investigating different materials and finding out what each material could do. Could it bend? Could it stretch? Could it be ripped? This helped to develop our knowledge of materials and their properties even further!

We then delved deeper into natural and man-made materials and the difference between the two. Then on Wednesday, we went back to our learning about plants and observed the cress plants we planted a couple of weeks ago. The children were fascinated by the results of their investigation and couldn’t believe that the plant with no sunlight had started to grow, but had then withered away!

In Maths we have finished our statistics learning and have moved onto length and height. We started by measuring in non-standard units of measurements, such as cubes and paperclips, before then using our rulers to help us to measure in cm.

It was our final lesson as part of our Aladdin topic on Monday, and the children enjoyed watching the wedding scene from the film. They then used their persuasion skills, which they have been developing all term, to design and write an invitation to invite the people of the city of Agrabah to the wedding of the century! After reading their writing; I really wish I could attend the wedding, it sounds amazing!

During Thursday’s RHE lesson, we spent time reflecting upon our Year 2 journey and the children couldn’t believe just how much they had learned and achieved. This led to a lovely discussion about what the children would like to achieve in Year 3 and what they would need to do in order to get there. Finally, the children were thrilled to discover that their new teachers in Year 3 are going to be Miss Bassett and Miss Brisco! The teachers will be sharing the role, with Miss Bassett teaching for three days and Miss Brisco for two. The two teachers are looking forward to coming into our class next week to get to know the children a little more, although they feel very lucky as Miss Bassett taught the children for a while in Reception and Miss Brisco has dipped in and out of our learning in Year 2.

Let’s Celebrate

Jacob, I continue to be amazed by how much progress you have made and are continuing to make this year!  This week you have continued to show your superb focus within lessons and continue to blow us away with the standard of the work you produce.  You now listen so carefully and know exactly what to do in independent tasks.  Keep this up in Year 3 Jacob – I am so proud of you! 

Well done Amelia; you have really grown as a ‘Brave Tommy Turtle’ this year!  The confidence that you now show within lessons is a pleasure to see and we very rarely see you giving up when something seems too difficult.  It was wonderful to see you playing such an active role in our French lesson this week, something that I know you found a little tricky last week.  Keep believing in yourself Amelia! 

Have a wonderful weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team