Year 3 blog 8.7.22 - "Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and hope." - Christie Brinkley

Although the weeks seem to by whizzing by, our learning certainly isn’t showing signs of stopping. This week we have been introduced to a new poem, “The Spider and the Fly”. Firstly, we listened to the introduction of the poem, which posed lots of questions and filled our minds with ideas about the poem, the characters and what might happen next. After this, we then watched the first part of the poem and compared our thoughts now that we could see the characters and the setting. Today, the children have been great detectives as they have investigated the crime that was/ has been claimed to have been committed by the spider.

We have also had the absolute joy of spending Monday morning with Mrs Curtis and a wonderful art lesson! All of the children loved spending time creating their clay creations. It is just wonderful to see the children explore new materials and use their imaginations to be creative. Well done everybody!

In PE this week we have continued to practise our bat and ball skills. The children are gaining great confident when batting a ball to a partner… we have had some great rally’s, along with lots of encouraging words to one another… so much so that the whole class were awarded the PE stars this week.

On Friday the children also found out the wonderful news that Mrs Lyons will be their teacher next year! The children will absolutely flourish under Mrs Lyons wonderful lead and we cannot wait to welcome her into one of our lessons next week! I know that she is also very excited for the year ahead!

Let’s Celebrate…

Esther… We continue to be so impressed by your wonderful effort each and every day! Each lesson you make sure that you give it your all, and we are always full of joy as we watch you tackle new challenges. You have also made such a kind and caring learning partner. Hearing you celebrate others fills us with such happiness! Never let go of these fabulous qualities Esther, we know you won’t!

Liam… For being such a wonderful learner! Reading your writing of, the Iron breaded dragon blew us away! You have soaked in all of our grammar and vocabulary skills throughout the year and have created a brilliant piece of writing! We are so proud of you! It is an absolute pleasure teaching you Liam, We just know that we are going to be reading more of your wonderful writing as you travel through the school. Keep up the amazing work!


  • Monday and Thursday are our PE days. Please bring or wear your PE kit on these days.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 3 team