Year 2 Weekly Blog - "Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much"

It has been wonderful to see the children so confident and comfortable in their new Year 2 classroom this week after overcoming any worries they may have had last week. This class really are a great team; they look after each other, speak with respect and are always there to lend a helping hand. Thank you Year 2 - you are such a pleasure a teach!

This week has been jam packed full of lots of learning! In English we have started reading our new focus story for the term ‘The Way Home For Wolf’. The children have enjoyed taking on the role of the main character Wilf in our drama activities and have asked so many questions about the tricky vocabulary used; what Curious Clara Clownfish they are!

In Maths we have been using our new equipment boxes to help make different multiples of ten. They have also been busy looking at time with Mrs Hotchkiss. She tells me that they are now superb at saying and writing the days of the week and are beginning to count in those tricky intervals of 5.

We enjoyed our first Indoor PE session together where we revisited and practised some of our gymnastic jumps. The children showed great control of their bodies as they straight jumped, star jumped and tuck jumped across their mats. I was also blown away by how sensibly they were able to independently get out and put away the PE mats!

The class voted for their new class councillors for the year on Wednesday. I was so proud of all the children who chose to put their names forward. They spoke so clearly to their friends, explaining why they thought they would make a good councillor this year. Congratulations to Isaac and Louisa who received the most votes from their peers - you’re going to make a great team!

Finally, it was lovely to welcome you into our classroom on Wednesday evening. I hope you found the information useful. As explained, if you ever do have any queries, worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Let’s Celebrate

Even though you have only been in Year 2 for two weeks, it has been a pleasure to watch you develop as a ‘Brave Tommy Turtle’ Lucia.  You are already changing your language from “this is too difficult” and “I can’t do this” to “I’m going to have a go and try my best”.  I have loved seeing your proud, beaming smile when you have known that you have tried really hard and put your all into something.  Keep up this positive attitude Lucia. 

Myles, thank you for being such a Co-operative Roger Robin in our class!  You are always so polite and can never do enough to help around our classroom.  You help the others around you to learn by staying focused and on task, and always try to be the best possible role model that you can be for your friends.  Keep this up Myles – well done!   


Important forms to complete - Please fill in these forms as soon as possible so that we can ensure your child is safe and able to learn well. These must be completed by Monday; I really want to pop some photographs on for you all to see.

Date for your diary - Year 2 assembly will take place on Tuesday 4th October at 9:10am.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Quizzing at home - I’ve had several parents asking if children are able to quiz on reading books at home as this is something they did in Year 1. So that I can keep check of where the children are at in their reading, I would like them to just quiz in school on their reading books from school. However, if your child has read a different book at home, for example one from the library, feel free to check on the system to see if it has a quiz and they can quiz on these at home. Thank you for your understanding.

I have some sunglasses in class which were left from Wednesday evening. If these are yours, please let me know.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Tuesday.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.