This week’s home learning is online.
Please read for at least 20 minutes every day.
This week we have been learning all about tens; how we make tens and counting in our tens. Have a go at the game below. On the first page, select counting in 10. You will then be given a starting number and a target number. Count in your tens from the starting number and shoot the duck when you land on the target number. Good luck!
IXL Maths
Please complete section A.5.
I have sent home IXL logins just incase they have been forgotten.
IXL English
Please complete section F.7
Spellings to learn this week:
Soft c - city icy cycle rice mice fancy
Starting from this week, I am also going to be sending home the word sets to learn alongside the above spellings. I know that some children started learning these in Year 1, but revisiting and consolidating learning is incredibly important. This way I can also ensure that all of the children are having a go at the high frequency word spellings each week.
High frequency words spellings to learn this week:
Set 1 - I the a to he she
Spelling quizzes will take place on Fridays. Below I have attached some creative ideas for how to learn spellings. Spellings can also be written out in home learning books if you wish.
Miss Woodend