Year 1 Blog 16.09.22

We have had another busy week, in English we tasted different fruit and vegetables and described them using our senses.

We then used our word bank to compose our own fruity poem, we created our own actions and performed it.

In Maths we have been continuing focusing on 5, how we can make it using different resources and how many more we need.

Today we started sorting objects into different groups, we were impressed with how creative some of the children were when grouping their objects. We will contine this next week.


Induction Evening

It was lovely to meet so many parents on Wednesday, thank you for coming. It was great discussing the year ahead and the learning journey the children will go on in Year 1.



 Well done to our last week awardees for being a Cooper Crab and concentrating on the carpet, and a Bobby Bee for enthusiasm in Maths.


Thank you for those who have already filled in the forms, if you haven’t please fill them in over the weekend.


Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday

 Miss Drummond, Miss Liddell and Miss Johnson