This week...

Another wonderful week! The children have all been so happy and I’m so impressed as to how they have been coming into nursery independently.

As always a busy week. By Friday we are really tired and some of our friends sometimes fall asleep!

School Admissions 2023 -24

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Here is what we have been up to this week.


This week we have been finding out how God created our wonderful earth. The story of Creation. If you click on the button below you will find the slides that have helped us to understand. We have made the slides into a book for our worship area. Perhaps you could make a book at home?

Next week we will be learning a song to help us remember the story of ‘creation’. Here it is for you to have a sing song at home!

Barbara’s Blog

Here’s a surprise! I bet you were expecting Michelle. Sadly, Michelle has been poorly this week so has not been in nursery every day. Don’t panic though I have taken over her key group for the week and have had the most wonderful time...I do hope the children have too….

We have started the week by meeting ONE. A little block fell from the sky, meets her numberling and discovers one wonderful world, singing and counting to one. It’s all about the oneness of one! Click here to watch  We then made a number collecting bucket to find lots of one objects, one car, one banana, one pencil….you get the idea. Click here to watch ‘one’

Our one wonderful world fits well with this weeks worship….more about that later…

We have had such fun in the garden….building tall towers, cars, tricky balancing and climbing. We also made dinosaur world and ramps and tunnels for the cars…..wheeeeee!! All great fun.

I suspect the children have been telling you all about Little Rabbit Foo Foo… it has quickly become one of our favourites. The children tell me that he makes ‘bad choices’. Click here to watch at home.

Some of you have been asking about criss cross legs. We have been practising really hard not to get our legs in a tangle! We have also been trying to put coats on all by ourselves. We put the coat on the floor, stand by the hood then bend down to put our arms in the sleeves We can then flip it over our heads….have a try at home. The children are very proud.

This week we have  met ‘Have a go’ Tommy Turtle. When anyone says ‘I can’t do it’ we say be like Tommy Turtle and ‘have a go’. Maybe this is something you could try at home. We read the story at story time and the children have been ready for a challenge.

Watch out in your child’s book bag for their Purple Mash log in details and how to access the webpage. I have pinned a parent video for you to watch. On other weeks keep checking to see if any work has been set. Please let me know if you have any trouble.

Lastly Michelle will be contacting next week to arrange a quick catch up meeting to discuss learning and how everyone is settling into nursery. In the meanwhile I am here for you, feel free to drop me a quick email. I always like to hear from you.

Under such sad circumstances try and have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Tuesday. I have great things planned!


 Colette’s blog

Hello everyone. I would like to begin this week’s blog by saying thank you to you all for continuing to allow us to support your child as they come to Nursery in the morning. We do appreciate how difficult it can be, especially when your child is upset, but you have all been fantastic. Also, putting your child’s snack in to their blue bag does help your child to become familiar with the routine and to find their own tray!

This week we have been looking at the Number one. We watched the story of Numberblock one where a little block falls out of the sky and discovers one wonderful world!

This week some of the children have been asking for the story ‘Lima’s Red Hot Chilli’ and they have been enjoying joining in too. Click here to watch.

After reading ‘The Colour Monster’ last week we are continuing to look at our emotions and practise finding our ‘calm’. With this in mind we have had a go at some ‘Rainbow relaxation’ where we pretended that our arms were paintbrushes then we could paint a rainbow. Click here to have a go yourselves!  

In addition to all of this we have played a teddy bear counting game, completed jigsaw puzzles on the big screen, played with a dinosaur world, sang the magpie song (a good listening game), found some conkers in the garden and painted a portrait of ourselves!!

I think we will definitely need a good rest this weekend.

As you are aware Nursery is closed on Monday for the Bank Holiday so the week will begin on Tuesday. I will also be contacting you to arrange a convenient time for us to have a parent’s meeting.

Kind regards.


Stephanie’s blog

Hello everyone! What a great week we have had. It has been lovely to see how settled the children are after just one week, even if they are a little upset when you drop them off they are settling quickly and having a wonderful time. I’ve loved seeing all their happy faces this week.

Our focus this term is ‘All about me’ - this week we have worked hard to paint a self – portrait. We looked at our faces in the mirror and worked hard to work out what features we needed to paint and what colour they needed to be. This resulted in smiles and giggles – especially when we were looking at our lips. They all look great on the wall in the classroom, you will be able to see them when you come for your catch up meeting (I will send you all an email to arrange this – hope you can all make it).

We have learnt about number one this week – the children have enjoyed watching the story of Numberblock one and finding things to put in our number bucket e.g. 1 shell, 1 brick, 1 gem. You could try this at home with objects around the house or garden. We have also been doing this outside – 1 jump, 1 hop, 1 ball etc.

We have continued to look at the Colour Monster – it is a great way for children to become aware of, and talk about their emotions when it can be difficult to put them into words. We have made a display in the classroom – if anyone has had a go at colouring the monster we sent home last week please send it in and we can add it to the display. We have practised ways to calm down and relax and have enjoyed ‘rainbow yoga’ this week – here is the link to have a go at home.

Our friendships have continued to grow and it has been lovely listening to the children talking to each other and working together in their play – we worked together to build a car in the garden complete with seats and wheels and we’ve also enjoyed singing songs together in the tree house. Making potions in the water was also a favourite activity this week! We have been proud of ourselves for ‘having a go’. A few of us found it tricky to jump off crates or walk over the bridge but with a bit of practise we managed it! We were so proud of ourselves!

I can’t wait to see you all again next week, as you are aware Nursery is closed on Monday so I will see you on Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend.



To look out for your Purple Mash log in details and instructions so you can have an explore over the weekend. Check to see if your child’s key person has set any work!

Check on all the key person blogs, there may be some different work to explore.

Look out for your child’s key person inviting you to a catch up time.

Lastly and most importantly have some lovely family time this weekend. I realise that recent events may have been overwhelming but we can hold each others hand until the darkness passes.

God bless and I will see you all on Tuesday.
