Welcome to Year 2!

I am so so excited to welcome you all into your new Year 2 classroom on Monday. We’ve all been busy getting everything ready for you … the only thing missing in school now is YOU! Next week we will focus on getting to know each other and ensuring that everyone feels safe and happy. I can’t wait to learn all about each of you. We’re going to have such a great time together. Make sure you get lots of sleep this weekend ready for the busy week ahead!

Just a few notices to help you prepare for the first week:

PE Days - Please wear your PE kits on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tuesday will be outdoor PE and Wednesday will be indoor PE. Please make sure that you have PE shorts with you on Wednesdays and remove any earrings/jewellery before school.
Induction Evening - We will welcome Year 2 parents into our classroom on Wednesday 14th September at 6pm. This will be a time to get to know all of the adults working with your children this year and to ask any questions you may have.
Art t-shirts - Please can your child bring in an old, oversized t-shirt to be worn during art lessons. These will be kept in school throughout the year.
Labelling - Please do ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled. It’s very tricky to get mislaid garments back to their owners if we don’t know who they belong to. Thank you in advance.
School Library - Throughout the holidays, the school library has been completely re-organised and sorted, and we have found that we have many books missing. Please could you have a good look in your homes and return school books if you have any. Thank you!

We can’t wait to see you on Monday morning. We will welcome Marsden (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Harcourt (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:45am and Bamber (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Plessington (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:50am.
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team