Welcome to Year 3!

Hello and welcome to the Year 3 page!

We have been getting things ready for Monday and we CANNOT wait to get started! We hope that you have had a wonderful summer holiday. Whether you’ve been away, stayed at home, had days out here and there.. or simply rested!

As the new year begins we know that emotions will be high and our aim is to make our children feel safe, settled and happy during their first week in the Juniors. We will be starting the half term looking at the virtues loving and compassionate, helping the children to value these virtues in themselves and in others. If you have any queries please email, however big or small, please do not hesitate. Our emails are:



Here are some key things to make you aware of:

PE Days: Monday - Outdoor Wednesday and Thursday - Indoor (half classes)

Art: Every Wednesday the children will spend some time in the afternoon with Miss Neves getting creative! Please make sure that your child has an Art T- Shirt in school.

Induction: We are very much looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom for our Induction evening on Wednesday 21st September at 6pm. This will allow us to share the journey we hope to take your children on this year, whilst also providing the time to chat face to face!

Snacks: Now the children have reached the Juniors we no longer have fruit provided to us. Please therefore send your child with a healthy snack (A list of possible snack ideas can be found on the discover page of the school website under ‘Daily things to remember’)

Water: Please bring a labelled water bottle each day.

Homework days: New homework will be handed out each Friday. This will vary from week to week, sometimes including computer based tasks and sometimes things that we would like completing in their homework books. Homework is then handed in on Thursday.

Celebrating mass: This Thursday we will be walking to church. Please make sure you have suitable clothing on this day.

Labelling: Please do ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled. It’s very tricky to get mislaid garments back to their owners if we don’t know who they belong to. Thank you in advance.
School Library: Throughout the holidays, the school library has been completely re-organised and sorted, and we have found that we have many books missing. Please could you have a good look in your homes and return school books if you have any. Thank you!

We can’t wait to see you on Monday morning. We will welcome Marsden (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Harcourt (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:45am and Bamber (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Plessington (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:50am.
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell, Mrs Carter, Mrs Lavelle (Outdoor PE) and Miss Neves (Art)