Our Year 4 team are so excited to welcome your children back to school on Monday! We are hoping you all had a lovely break and the children are feeling more excited than nervous about coming back. Do not worry - it is always a mix of both emotions on that first day back - even for staff!
Here are some important messages especially regarding swimming.
Swimming starts this Thursday 8th September. Children need to be in school for 8:30 at the St Patricks Road gate each Thursday as we have to be on the coach by 8:45. They need a plastic bag which contains a towel, swimming costume and maybe a hairbrush. No shampoo or body wash - there is no time to wash hair as we need to be back on the coach and out, ready for the next school’s lesson.
Boys can wear swimming trunks but no long ‘bermuda style’ shorts please.
Girls need a normal swimming costume - no bikinis or two piece swimsuits. They also need a swimming hat which we would like them to come to school wearing please on swimming mornings.
Goggles - there will be a letter regarding goggles going out on Monday, as we need your permission for your children to wear them. This is completely up to you. Some parents like their children to go without so they learn to swim without them. Other children need them as it affects their eyes - or they have got used to wearing them. Please bring the form back by Tuesday so I can make a list of who is allowed to wear them.
Snacks - Children will have break time when they get back and will need a good snack that day.
Graham, the swimming teacher is coming to class on Wednesday to explain further to the children.
Other notices
School start times:
Marsden (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Harcourt (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:45am
Bamber (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Plessington (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:50am.
Reading: Can children bring their own book from home to read as their reading book in class for the first week. We are currently auditing our school library stock. Also, please could you have another look at home to see if you have any more school reading books and bring them back to school.
PE Days: Wednesday - Outdoor Thursday - Swimming - children can wear tracksuits.
Art: Every Friday, the children will spend some time in the afternoon with Miss Neves getting creative! Please make sure that your child has an Art T- Shirt in school by Friday.
Snacks: Children can bring a snack in each day. (A list of possible snack ideas can be found on the discover page of the school website under ‘Daily things to remember’)
Water: Please bring a labelled water bottle each day.
Homework days: New homework will be handed out each Friday. This will vary from week to week, sometimes including computer based tasks and sometimes things that we would like completing in their homework books. Homework is then handed in on Thursday.
Labelling: Please do ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled. It’s very tricky to get mislaid garments back to their owners if we don’t know who they belong to. Thank you in advance.
Induction: We look forward to seeing you in person on Wednesday 21st September at 6pm for our Induction to Year 4 meeting in class. This is a chance for us to share with you the exciting learning journey your child will take this year.
If you have any questions in the meantime, my email is
We look forward to welcoming your child on Monday! Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Hennessy